Let's make sure you are highly organized and profiting from your extension business.

the business behind extensions

The Details

So you took an extension class and they told you to charge about this much right? Now three months down the road you can't figure out why you are not making any money. In fact, you might even be further in debt! This is where I come in. We are not in the business of not getting paid.

proven for profitability

run your business on facts, not emotions

You're in great company. But it doesn't have to be that way!

  • I don't know where to start with pricing
  • I'm not going to get a return on my investment
  • I don't know how to market this service
  • I don't know how to take deposits

If you’ve ever thought...

You will walk away with confidence knowing exactly how to set up your extension business. You can rest assured that nothing will fall to the wayside with these proven systems.

Empower Yourself

This Just might be for you...

You will receive copies of my exact contracts and forms that I use inside of my business.

Contracts + Forms

Ask any questions and see any questions that were answered inside of the course.


This will lay out how to break this service down and create transparency with your guests.

Interactive Workbook

We will look at numbers and break down everything you will need to know in order to price your service.

Step-by-Step Training

What’s included

  • How to keep track of multiple orders
  • My step-by-step pricing guide 
  • How to market your service
  • Forms, systems, documents, and the legal stuff.
  • Building your back stock
  • Taking deposits

When providing a luxury service, organization and presentation are key elements of building trust with your guests. Let's start off on the right foot by properly pricing and presenting.

what you’ll learn...

stop pricing your services based on those around you and start pricing them on facts

  • How to present your pricing transparently to your guest
  • Avoiding your guest from going and purchasing her own hair
  • Creating a structured and professional business that will help you gain the types of clients who want to pay for this service 
  • And so much more!


— Dylan Coale

“Janelle has been my mentor for years, and has never steered me wrong.”

We will cover social media marketing as well as organic marketing. I built my entire business on the back of extensions and I have some very creative solutions to help you create trust with your current and future clients so they will want to receive this service from you!

What types of marketing strategies will be covered?

This thought is a limiting belief. We will cover how to get over this in the course. Hair stylists are naturally people pleasers, but we need to ensure that we are not spending time and money on a guest and not making anything for ourselves and our families. Your guests pay $7-9 for a cup of coffee and they will need to pay what you are asking for the service you are providing. I know it can be scary but we will do this together! I have helped many stylists break through this barrier.

I am nervous to raise my prices. What if I don't get any clients?

You will receive copies of my guest intake form with all my policies listed to use as a template for yourself. This is a vital document to have to be able to legally enforce your policies. You will receive my extension agreement form, my new wefts and new install quote forms and how I break things down for the guest. You will also receive a copy of my weft inventory sheets and instructions on what apps we use to track what is coming in, who it is for, and what goes back into inventory.

What types of forms will I receive with this class?

 Extensions are a multi-faceted service due to the cost of the product we are using...the hair. In order to have a successful extension business, and because of the time and specialty involved, we need to be profiting from both the hair, the install, and the color service separately. I will teach you how to do this.

What makes this course different?

Frequently Asked Questions

I want to start building a profitable extension business!