Tailored to your individual needs, spend the day with me learning new skills in the area of your choosing, whether technical or business related.


The Details

If you have been in the game for a while, but you feel like you just need a little guidance on how you can perfect and refine your skillset, this experience is for you! Spend the day learning all my tips and tricks to take your business BTC to the next level.

an immersive experience

be my guest

You're in great company. But it doesn't have to be that way!

  • I have questions that my training didn't answer
  • I am nervous to try something new on my own
  • I am struggling to perfect my craft
  • I need more one on one guidance
  • I don't feel confident 

If you’ve ever thought...

You've been giving a beautiful experience to your clients, now it is time to give a beautiful experience to yourself! This day is all about you and how I can help you uncover your superpowers!

Empower Yourself

This Just might be for you...

You will have access to me via Voxer for 30 days following your shadow experience. Ask me any questions that may arise once you start implementing your new skills.

Pocket Coaching

Lunch is on me! You will also receive a welcome gift with some of my favorite products and tools.

Lunch and goody bag

Walk away with the exact documents I use in my business that you can use as a template for your own. 

Contracts & Documents

Spend an entire 8 hour day with me learning one on one. This shadow day is all about you and your needs. 

Custom Education

What’s included

  • How to create systematic ways of approaching your business.
  • My easy step-by-step process for improving your skill sets.
  • Tips to make sure you’re not missing key points in your day to day BTC
  • The surprising way to simplify and streamline processes.

This experience is tailored to your individual needs, whether technical or business. We will do a deep dive in your discovery call to uncover the areas that need growth.

what you’ll learn...

show up each day with newly ignited passion and the confidence to create your dream business.

  • Using my proven techniques to create speed and accuracy
  • Learning to let go of limiting beliefs that can prevent you from growing
  • Creating intentions that help you reach your big goals
  • And so much more!


— Melinda Nunery


Save $100 when you pay in full!


one-time payment


2 monthly payments

Let's do this!

The shadow is a full 8 hour experience with an hour lunch. We will spend this time going into great detail on topics we discuss in your discovery call.

How long is this experience?

Though there are many things you might take away from a shadow day with me, I recommend this experience for artist that are more advanced and have specific areas they need guidance on. If you have just graduated school, there may be some hands on education that might prove to be more beneficial for you. If you are new to extensions, my digital course "The Business Behind Extensions" would be very beneficial for you! 

I just graduated from cosmetology school. Would this be good for me?

Because of logistics and planning, we need to adhere to the topics we decide on after your discovery call. If you have a change of heart or you need to cover more than we can get through in one day, you will need to book a second shadow day. I am more than happy to schedule back to back shadow dates (up to two days) if there is a lot you would like to cover!

Can I change what I want to go over after our discovery call?

This will not be a hands on experience, as I will be working on my regular guests, however, I will explain what I am doing in great detail. We will have a debriefing after the first half and second half of the day so that I can answer any questions you may have. 

Will this be a hands on experience?

Frequently Asked Questions

Join me inside of my business for a full day of learning made fun!